
Say Goodbye to Razor Burns With Body Waxing

Shaving doesn’t just remove hair – it also takes away the top layer of skin. Over time, this can cause tenderness, itching, and burning sensations.

Avoid razor burn and ingrown hairs using a quality shaving cream or gel that doesn’t contain extra ingredients that can irritate. Better yet, consider body waxing for a smoother and longer-lasting finish.


Getting gorgeously smooth skin is a beauty must, and while shaving is a quick way to achieve it, the results don’t last long and can lead to painful ingrown hairs and razor bumps. Conversely, waxing removes hair from the roots, so it grows back slower and with fewer blemishes.

To ensure a smooth, even result, experts recommend exfoliating the area before waxing Long Island, NY—and a good body scrub is a great choice. However, stop using exfoliants containing salicylic acid or alpha-hydroxy acids a few days before your waxing appointment, as these can make the skin extra sensitive.

Your skin naturally sloughs off dead cells to make room for new ones, but sometimes, these can build up and block your pores. Not exfoliating regularly can lead to dull skin, clogged pores, and ingrown hairs. Exfoliating helps prevent these issues and makes waxing more effective.

Less Painful

It’s a lot less painful to get rid of unwanted hair by waxing than it is to remove it by shaving. Shaving can be especially painful for people with sensitive skin. In addition, the hair can grow thicker and more coarse after shaving. This can make it difficult to use a razor and may lead to razor burn.

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Razor burn can also irritate your skin and make it look infected. You can help to alleviate this irritation by using an anti-inflammatory cream or lotion. You can purchase these products at any drugstore or beauty store.

Another way to prevent razor burn is using a body scrub before your waxing appointment. This will remove dead skin cells and prepare the area for your wax treatment. You can purchase these products at any beauty store or make them yourself at home. It’s also important to use a pre-wax oil like grape seed or jojoba oil to create an additional layer of protection.


When you wax, your unwanted hair is removed from the root. This slows the rate at which your hair grows back, allowing your skin to remain hair-free for weeks versus days with shaving.

Plus, the ripping action of waxing can also help to exfoliate your skin, leaving it smooth and refreshed! It’s important to continue to use an effective exfoliant formulas between waxes.

And, as if that weren’t enough, the nourishing properties of body waxing can help to prevent hyperpigmentation. In this condition, your skin becomes darker than normal due to repeated friction from shaving or other hair removal methods. 


When it comes to smooth, soft skin, not much feels better than a fresh, full-body wax. Unlike shaving, which leaves behind hair bumps and ingrown hairs, body waxing removes unwanted hair from the root. This means hair grows back thinner and less often.

Shaving also exposes the skin to cuts and nicks that can cause discoloration. This can happen even if you’re careful while shaving and don’t have very thick skin on any area of your body. Body waxing eliminates the risk of these injuries and the pain that comes with them.

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To reduce the chances of a painful waxing session, it’s important to drink plenty of water and moisturize your body before and after waxing. It’s also a good idea to avoid tanning, saunas, and hot treatments that can open the pores on the skin that’s going to be waxed. You should also avoid using lotion on the day of your appointment, as this can prevent the wax from adhering to the hair follicles properly.

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